Strategic Quality Management
A Quality Management/Business Improvement programme has the potential to deliver huge improvements to the efficiency and effectiveness of your organisation and will continue to deliver improvements on a continuing basis in the future, but to achieve this you must look at it as a strategic initiative not a short-term fix.
Total Quality Management & Business Improvement Strategies is a course that focuses on and practical training that will deepen your understanding of how you can help transform your organisation in order to achieve significant cost savings while, at the same time, delivering a vastly improved service to your customers or clients.
This course is CPD accredited (Continued Professional Development).
The aim of this course is to help you understand the range of options open to you if you are considering launching a business improvement strategy or building on your current approach. Your choice may depend on the type, size and maturity of your organisation and this course will help you make that choice. To achieve this the course will explore a range of methods, including: the EFQM Excellence Model; Lean Thinking; 6 Sigma; 5S; FMEA; SMED; the Balanced Scorecard; ISO9001 and Benchmarking.
By the end of the programme delegates will be able to:
Present a business case for pursuing a Business Improvement/Quality Strategy
Outline the history and development of Quality Management
List the principle of Lean and describe an approach to implementing a Lean strategy
List the principles of Six Sigma and describe an approach to implementing a Six Sigma strategy
List the principles of ISO9000 and describe an approach to implementing an ISO90001 strategy
Demonstrate an ability to use a number of Lean & Six Sigma tools and techniques, including 5S, FMEA and SMED
Describe the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Excellence Model and explain how it can be used as a strategic business improvement tool
Describe how the Balanced Scorecard can lead, support and monitor a Business Improvement Strategy
Outline an implementation strategy for introducing a Business Improvement/Quality Strategy.
It is our intention to provide a learning environment that helps you to understand a range of concepts, tools, techniques and methodologies through a range of interventions that will be informative, varied and fun. We will use exercises, simulations and case studies to support presentations.
Duration: 4 days
Who it's for:
Directors, managers and those involved in business improvement initiatives, in all sectors of the economy particularly those wishing to understand the options available to launch a business improvement strategy.
Course Content
Day 1
Session 1: Introductions and administration
· The Forgetting Curve
Session 2: The History and Development of Quality Management
Developments in Japan; the role of Dr W Edwards Deming; the Toyota Production System
Developments in USA; the Malcolm Baldridge Award; Motorola and the birth of 6 Sigma
Developments in Europe; the ISO9000 family of standards; the European Foundation for Quality Management, National and local Quality organisations, the Excellence Model and Awards
Session 3: Business Improvement
Defining the 7 Classic Wastes
Further wastes
· Quality Control v. Quality Assurance
Exercise: simulating a process to identify ‘waste’
Day 2
Session 4: Case Study – The Toyota Production System (TPS)
· The Toyota Production System structure
· The components of TPS outlined and described, including the Foundation, and the two pillars of Just-In-Time and Jidoka
· The third pillar, Culture
The contribution of work study and industrial psychology in improving productivity
Elton Mayo and the Hawthorne Plant experiments
Theories of human motivation from Maslow, Herzberg, McGregor to Dan Pink
Applying our understanding of human motivation to improve our management and leadership style to deliver superior performance
Case Study: An Olympic Cycling Team
Exercises: Heijunka, Writing Standards, Calculating Takt Time
Day 3
Session 5: A Lean Strategy
· Specifying ‘Value’
· The Voice of the Customer
· Mapping the ‘Value Stream’
· Creating ‘Flow’
· Establishing ‘Pull’
· Striving for Perfection
Exercises: the dimensions of customer service (Affinity Diagram), the SIPOC Map, the Process Sequence Map, the Flowchart, Value Stream Mapping, Creating Flow & Pull, Calculating Takt Time and AdeltaT
Session 6: A Six Sigma Strategy
· The DMAIC system
· Case Study: The TSB Homeloans application of Six Sigma
Exercises: Calculating Standard Deviation, Pareto Analysis & Cause & Effect Charts
Day 4
Session 7: Other Toyota Quality Management Systems
· The 5S Workplace Organisation System
· Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED)
· Failure Mode Exchange of Die (FMEA)
Exercise: Pitstop Processing, FMEA
Session 8: The EFQM Excellence Model and Self- Assessment
The European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Excellence Model
Using the Excellence Model as a self-assessment tool to effect improvement: characteristics of enablers, characteristics of results, the scoring system.
The limitations of self-assessment.
Exercises: scoring an enabler and a result.
Session 9: An implementation Strategy for your chosen methodology
Session 10: An introduction to the Balanced Scorecard
· The early days of the Balanced Scorecard
· From developing your vision and mission to executing your improvement strategy
· Defining goals, themes, objectives and targets and how they fit in the development and deployment of strategy.
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